Simulator of Planar Electrodes Plasma Characteristics using Different Gases

Document Type : Original Article


1 Accelerators and Ion Sources Dept., Nuclear Research Center

2 Head of Radiation Engineering Dept. National Center for Radiation Research and Technology


Simulator Plasma Source for Planar Electrodes, SPSPE, is designed to verify the experimental results of planar anode and cathode which are obtained previously using nitrogen gas. Experimentally, the glow discharge is carried out at operating pressure values in the range of 0.1- 0.6 Torr and the disc anode - disc cathode distance equal to 10 cm using nitrogen gas. The comparison between SPSPE and the experimental values at different product of pressure and distance values for breakdown voltage, discharge current and the second Townsend coefficient using nitrogen gas is made. It is found a good match between SPSPE and the experimental values. Also, the first Townsend coefficient is calculated by SPSPE at different product of pressure and distance values using nitrogen gas, while breakdown voltage and discharge current are calculated by SPSPE at different product of pressure and distance values using nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide gases. It is found that the minimum breakdown voltage values are equal to 472.77, 232.26 and 349.27 volts at minimum product of pressure and distance values equal to 1.5, 1 and 0.75 using nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide gases, respectively. Also, it is found that the minimum discharge current values are equal to 0.5228 mA and 3.65 mA at minimum product of pressure and distance value equal to 1 using nitrogen and argon gases, respectively. While minimum discharge current value equal to 7.8 mA is obtained at minimum product of pressure and distance value equal to 0.75 using carbon dioxide gas.
